// Kivik Pavilion by David Chipperfield + Antony Gormley

Kivik Art 080714  


// Kivik pavilion by David Chipperfield + Antony Gormley


David Chipperfield Architects and artist Antony Gormley have designed the Kivik Art Centre in Österlen, Sweden. The concrete structure consists of three parts with equal volumes: an enclosed space in the base, an open viewing platform further up and a tower with spiral stairs leading to an 18m high viewing platform.

Gormley says: "I see the work as a meditation on the status of sculpture and architecture and their respective relationships with light, mass and space using the material most associated with modernity: concrete."

Kivik Pavilions is a project that combines architecture with art and design. Fundamental are issues of environmental solutions, a symbiosis of the landscape and the pavilion, and corporate partnership with industries in the region. The latest pavilion was created by architect Petra Gipp and visual artist Runa Islam in 2011


For more about Antony Gormley check our recent post here.



Kivik Art 080707

Chipperfield . Gormley  .  Kivik Art Centre Pavilion  (2)

Kivik Art 080714

Chipperfield . Gormley  .  Kivik Art Centre Pavilion  (54)

Chipperfield . Gormley  .  Kivik Art Centre Pavilion  (3)

Chipperfield . Gormley  .  Kivik Art Centre Pavilion  (4)

Kivik Art 080714

Chipperfield . Gormley  .  Kivik Art Centre Pavilion  (57)

Photographs by åke e:son lindman + gerry johansson

Chipperfield . Gormley  .  Kivik Art Centre Pavilion  (58)

Chipperfield . Gormley  .  Kivik Art Centre Pavilion  (60)

// Installation Art by Antony Gormley



// Installation Art + Sculptures by Antony Gormley 


British artist Antony Gormley is widely acclaimed for his sculptures, installations and public artworks that investigate the relationship of the human body to space. His work has been widely exhibited throughout international exhibitions.

The objects hover between being architecture and being an image of architecture. Contained objects in a defined internal space.

In the Ropac Gallery installation, all the lights were removed and the frames were painted with two layers of phosphorescent paint that absorbed light during the day and emitted it at night. In the night-mode the work assumes an unstable position between the virtual and the real.


For more news check his page for an insight into his art practice and the studio.













all images courtesy of Antony Gormley